The Watson Firm

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The Entrepreneur's Creed

The Entrepreneur's Creed

In consulting with start-ups, I consistently see the same problems over and over again. Therefore, I wrote The Entrepreneur's Creed to give each and every entrepreneur a reminder of what makes their business better and to continue to strive for excellence in their business.

Place this Creed somewhere where you will see it every day so that you will not make the same mistakes as those before you.

  • I am trying to sell a product my customers do not want. Therefore, I will investigate the actual problems they face.
  • My product is not as good as I think it is. Therefore, I will innovate solutions to the problems my customers experience.
  • Something I am doing is preventing my team from doing their best. Therefore, I will refine the process to allow my team to work without meddling.
  • My company is not worth as much as I think it is. Therefore, I will do something today that will add value to someone who may want to buy it one day.
  • There is a critical flaw in my business plan, and I don't know what it is. Therefore, I will seek advice, even if it confirms my worst fears.
  • I will do all these things diligently. And I will do them again tomorrow.
Being an entrepreneur is an on-going process of self-discovery, self-confrontation, and self-denial. Keeping this creed in a visible place will be a constant reminder of the little things it takes to make your business a big success.
If you want to learn more about the steps that you need to take to start your business, simply enter your contact information in the sidebar, and we will follow up with you within 24 hours.